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A Comparison of Nebraska Reservoir Classes Estima ted from Watershed-Based Classification Models and Ecoregions

H. N. N. Bulley1*, D. B. Marx2, J. W. Merchant3, J. C. Holz4 and A. A. Holz4

  1. Department of Geography and Geology, DSC 260, Uni versity of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182, USA
  2. Department of Statistics, 342 Hardin Hall, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583, USA
  3. Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies, School of Natural Resources, 306 Hardin Hall, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0973, USA
  4. School of Natural Resources, 507 Hardin Hall, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0995, USA

*Corresponding author. Tel: +1-402-5543107 Fax: +1-402-5543518 Email:


Regulatory agencies have been investigating a number of alternatives for classifying lakes into hydogeologically and ecologically similar assemblages that will facilitate establishment of attainable water quality standards. Concerns over the ability of traditional statistical classifiers to effectively classify environmental data have led to increasing interest in machine (predictive) learning classification tools such as decision trees. This paper compares the performance (classification strength) of a classi fication tree-based watershed classification model of Nebraska reservoirs to a discriminant analysis (DA)-based watershed classification system and reservoir classes derived from Omernik’s Level IV Ecoregions. The performance of classification tree and DA-based watershed classification methods were also compared with respect to their cross-validation prediction errors. The results suggest that both watershed-based classification approaches (classification tree and DA) were more effective than Omernik’s Level IV ecoregi ons in accounting for observed variations in water quality characteristics of Nebraska reservoirs. Moreover, this study demonstrates the utility of a classification tree algorithm, either as a supplement or alternative to DA, in handling the complexities of watershed variables and classifying Nebraska reservoirs for the purpose of water quality management. The classification tree also provides water resource managers with a useful interpretive classification interface.

Keywords: classification tree, discriminant analysis, ec oregions, reservoirs, water quality, watershed

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